Wednesday, April 30, 2014


A teacher told me once, a long time ago, that walking was just the continual act of falling and catching yourself. For me it's a profound thought. It takes a seemingly easy task, a task that comes as easy as breathing and makes it a powerful act, a purposeful act. On hard days I still think of those words. When I'm exhausted and can't get my head back into the task at hand I think of all the steps I've taken in my life, how unconscious and easy they were and empower myself to finish out my day by taking just a few more purposeful ones. I've continued to catch myself so far, so I know I'm strong enough to keep at it through the end of my day. 

Today was a good day for me but a hard day for some of the people I love. I'm thinking of them and sending them thoughts of loveliness. I hope all of you find comfort in the simple acts. 

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