Friday, August 17, 2012

Ironing Out the Details

"Time to put on the last suit you'll ever wear." ~Men in Black

That's how I felt yesterday with my Chef Coat. It was so incredible to put that on and unwrap my knives for the first time, I was dancing around the apartment a little. I'll post pictures of me in my uniform on another post.
So obviously, I had orientation yesterday. The president of the college, Chef Kirk Bachmann,did the presentation and he covered a lot of ground. He talked about the history of culinary, the tradition of the uniform, the reason that the uniform is the way that it is, all of which I found super interesting and he was very passionate about all of it and then, he looked at some guy in the front row who was falling sleep and he stopped! I was so pissed! Oh well. He then proceeded to go on to talk about all the opportunities we can have if we work hard and how important it is to get an externship and stage for chefs around the city. This was all pretty interesting too, though.
Afterwards, all of us, my roommates and I, had an ironing party for all our uniforms. It was pretty fun.
This brings me to the subject of my roommates. They are awesome. They are all pastry students too, and absolute nerds so, obviously, we've been getting along swimmingly. We've pretty much been having nothing but fun bonding times ever since they arrived.
So that's what you missed last week on Glee! Just kidding! Haha ^_~


  1. Yay! So glad you have such awesome roommates and you're so happy there, lady! :-)

  2. Well, they have some mighty big shoes to fill. You set the roommate bar pretty high dear! ^_^

  3. Getting caught up! You are ROCKING it! XO
